Saturday, April 12, 2014

Recycled Student Projects

 While looking around for some elementary school student projects, I pieced together different lessons and recycled them into my own! From doing this activity, I relearned the parts of a plant. I knew them, I had just forgotten them over time. For this assignment, you will need construction paper, glue, scissors and a computer with a printer. The outline for the assignment can be found at .

Step One: Collect all materials, I started out with cutting out a stem from a sheet of green construction paper. I also cut out a leaf and glued them together.
Step Two: After this, I began to make a flower, you can make whichever flower you want, I went for something more simple. 
Step Three: Glue these two together. You now have a plant!
Step Four: Go onto a computer and type out labels for each plant part. Also type up the functions of each part. Cut them out and glue the plant and the labels onto a sheet of construction paper if desired.

You now completed the assignment!


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